Communeco works closely with businesses, companies and entrepreneurs in: natural health and wellness, eco beauty and spas, eco fashion, eco travel and resorts, green events and workshops, spirituality and human potential, wholefood nutrition, organics and eco consciousness.

We understand our clients in a way traditional media relations companies cannot.

At Communeco, we are the media, therefore we know the media, from the inside out. We know what journalists look for, how bloggers work and what makes both want to cover your story. We also live conscious lifestyles, therefore understand our clients at a core level.

At Communeco, we are the media, therefore we know the media.

With these skills, we work with clients to:

• Build brand awareness within traditional and online media channels;
• Create newsworthy campaigns that get our clients’ products and services noticed;
• Distribute tightly written, targeted news/media releases that work;
• Ensure client websites are media-ready and journalist-friendly;
• Compile, construct and distribute newsletters that work;
• Design and prepare collateral for marketing and social media purposes;
• Highest quality, captivating content—copywriting that inspires and engages;
• Proofread, edit and design self-published ebooks and printed books, assisting clients to self-publish and market their written work;
• Social media branding and posting;
• Influencer introductions and relationship building;
• Customer avatar development and strategy;
• Write, create and design customised decks for presentations and pitches;
• Online platform training for beginners;
• Event planning.

Find out more about our media release service here.


Below are some of the most common questions we get asked. Please email us here if you have a specific question you would like answered.

What can I expect when we start working together?

It’s important we get to know our clients’ desires and needs before any campaign begins. Our relationship starts with a meeting in person, via phone or on Skype to get a deep understanding of what you would like to see achieved throughout your media relations campaign. From here, Communeco compiles an in-depth plan and proposal to be presented to you for feedback. Clients are also asked to fill out a detailed questionnaire to ensure all angles are covered.

Will I be expected to be available for media interviews?

More often than not, clients will be asked to be available for media interviews. These can either be over email, in person, over the phone or via Skype. Communeco also offers media training to help those clients who may not be comfortable in an interview scenario.

Can I be guaranteed of media coverage?

While we maintain strong relationships with journalists, editors, writers and bloggers, and have much expertise with creating newsworthy angles, there is never guarantee of a specific amount of coverage in any media relations initiative. However, it is our mission to deliver and ensure our clients are extremely satisfied at the end of any campaign.

How will I be kept up-to-date with coverage received and media interest in my business, product or service?

We stay in regular contact with our clients according to their preference (email, phone etc) on a weekly basis. At the conclusion, we provide the client with a detailed report, which includes any media feedback received, coverage obtained and a forecast for potential media coverage in the future. Retainer clients are provided with reports on a monthly basis.

How do Communeco’s rates work?

We can discuss the option that works best for you. Clients pay a 20% booking fee, with the remainder payable upon receipt of final report unless we are working to a retainer agreement, which is paid monthly.

Do you have a news release writing service available?

Yes, we do. Please contact us here to request further information.